Blog 1: Human Integral Development

 “Life is the flower you've got to let grow.” 

When assessed our personal well -being using the Human Integral Flower, it does makes sense that as individuals, we blossom as we mature. It does seem natural that petals are likened to internal and external factors of our lives that developed our personal well being.

The mainframe of the discussion covers practically what is integral in human development – spiritual, bodily, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic, social and moral. Considering too, material goods.


Part One : See-Experience/Conscious Experience 

I may be aware of most of the aspects of life shared but this learning opportunity refreshes ourselves of the several dimensions encompassing human life that can make us realize more of life.

We all need to be confident in expressing ourselves freely but there are times when our emotions get in the way and we end up doing and saying something unnecessary. A strong mind helps keep emotions balanced when dealing with people both on a personal and professional level. There were situation when I had a hard time keeping my emotions in check but I learned to regulate them through constant practice of the following:

l  Putting a Label on My Emotions - Identifying what my current emotions are allows me to take a step back and assess how it will affect my actions, reactions and responses.
l  Think Happy Thoughts - Be optimistic in the face of difficult situations.
l  Call a Friend - Talking to someone eases the tension we normally feel in situations we have a hard time dealing with. Emotions should never be bottled up.
l  Listen to Uplifting Music - Tunes that are motivational and inspirational are said to cure the soul.

Our Project Development Company allowed us free reign on how to close a deal or a sale by using our own style.

By providing us with continuous Professional Developmental Programs i.e. Personality Development, Digital Marketing, Sales Techniques, Closing Deals, as mandated by the government for all professional license holders, I was able to confidently execute my role as a Freelance Real Estate Broker with a little“personal touch”

A Freelance Real Estate Broker’’s main source of income is through commissions where we are given 3% to 7% depending on the agreement and contract with our clients. Other incentives to keep us motivated include cash, gadgets, travelling, etc.This means we are able to buy or acquire what we want, need and desire.

Visiting “The Land Down Under”has always been my dream and through my perseverance with my job, I got to go on a vacation to Australia with my mom/family, twice. Earning to buy what you want or to go where you want to is easy but it would be easier if you also loved the work that you do. Enjoying what you do is the prize while your prospective earnings is the incentive.

I don’t recall receiving an invite to go to mass or join a worship service in the last few years from the company

I was invited by our Marketing Manager to join their Zumba class last year for PR purposes but I declined the offer as I was more interested in going to the gym.

All above dimensions of life do not in any way separate myself from the  community and society I belong to and is part of.

Part Two : Analysis and Reflection

All the learning gained in the assessment of our personal well-being has truly  helped me assess my current situation and the different aspects of my life.

I practically realized that good persons are essentially those who developed themselves as matured individuals – fully aware and understand what is right and wrong, what needs to be prioritized or compromised, and can be sensitive and perceptive, able to positively think outside the box and consider as well the common good.

I realized too, I need to have more grip in my spiritual and bodily aspects of life. I appreciate much of the support of my significant others for all the other aspects of my life. I asked myself what else I needed to nurture in order to improve myself and through this exercise, I understood that I should not just wait for opportunities to be presented to me but to also exert myself when I see it.

As I have been given the opportunity to make myself better, I would like to pay it forward and do the same for others. Learning is a continuous process and happens in everything we do for ourselves and other people.

The learning session enabled to boost my self-confidence as I seem to have achieved greater self-awareness in the process. Being aware makes me more mindful  of what I am into and that each of the choices I make would eventually be the person I envision myself to be.

Integral Human Development is a positive vision of human flourishing articulated in modern Faith social teachings where it is centered on the idea that the dignity of a person is expressed in our relationships and obligations to our family, the community and everyone else.

I believe a well developed aspect of human integration will help our society. As a licensed real estate broker, I believe I play an important role in helping our clients choose and invest in property that meet their needs. For my "IHD Flower to blossom", I will need to do what is best for the industry I work in so that the clients would get what they deserve and for my future team to be well handled. While I find it a challenge to close a deal or find a prospective client, I shall always try my utmost to put things in perspective and prioritize what will help me become a better individual.

I therefore consider myself, a work in progress.

Part Three : Commitment-Action/Committed Action

Actions always speak louder than words and for me to meet my objectives, I thought it best to make a chart or list of what to do and how to achieve them.

a.      Create a goal chart for each aspect that I would like to continuously nurture and improve on.
b.     Make a daily, weekly or monthly activity on how to achieve my goals.
c.      Keep a track record of my progress through a journal.
d.     Ask a Goal Coach / Goal Buddyto check on my “status report”.
e.      Reward myself for achievements made be it personal or paying it forward.
f.       Religiously read the Bible and pray for the strength to achieve these goals

In summary…

After assessing and sharing aspects of my human being, I feel gratified because everything that I have received, material or immaterial, everything that I have learned, through success or failures, is a blessing.

I am also pleased that my classmates shared their own experiences for I learned that people perceive things differently as much as how they deal with every situation

Thank you to our Professor, Ms. Pia, who also shared her Integral Human Development experiences as it was a guide for us to understand what we needed to learn for this session.

Through the IHD Model, I would like to write a book that would inspire others to be brave in the face of adversity and come out as functional and successful individuals.


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