Blog 8: Social Development / GK Enchanted Farm

The exposure at GK Enchanted Farm is one for the record.

The professionalism and courteousness of everyone on the farm was both contagious and heartwarming and it was easy to see why there so many people are part of this enterprise.
The stories of the people who are part of GK Enchanted Farm give others hope especially for those who were part of the tour as we have heard the of how GK Village started that led to building the GK Farm University and other successful social enterprises.

Here are some photos of our tour:

l  PLUSH & PLAY highlights sewing, stitching and crocheting


    KESO BESO produces Filipino farm fresh cream cheese from grass-fed carabaos (water buffalos)

l  BAMBOO PALACE CENTER showcases innovative, indigenous materials used for design camps, architecture, interior design, landscaping and industrial design. The center can also be used for training, conventions and special events.


    AMBENSION aims to revitalize the textile industry in the Philippines

My Reflection Framework

See-Experience/Conscious Experience (“Masid-Danas”)

Blessed and honored was how I felt for having an immersion with this social enterprise!

I was inspired by how Mr. Tony Meloto, the founder of Gawad Kalinga, was able to help other people. It was a short trip but it was very enlightening. I was touched because the people at the farm was able to transform their lives even within their simplest means.
During the trip, I was able to feel the spirit of “bayanihan”, one of the most important values to every Filipino as it signifies our desire to help people in need, may they be less fortunate or not. It was great to see and fulfilling to know that there are people out there who would like to help transform other peoples’ lives so that they can help them have a better lives.

It feels great to help each people in need to build a better community so I want to pay it forward. God usually blesses people so that they can also bless others. We just have to give accordingly and with a cheerful heart. This is because we may not be even aware of how blessed people will be with the simple things we share, be it monetary or not.

Analysis-Reflection/Critical Reflections (“Suri-Nilay”)

Each of us have our own responsibilities to help our society and to lend a hand to our poor brothers and sisters. Aside from the goals we have for ourselves, I believe that we should have a goal of helping other people who are less privileged in any way we can. As human beings, we are morally responsible to continuously help those around us especially those in need of help. I believe that we are blessed by God so we can also bless others the way they should be blessed. We are blessed because we are instruments of God’s blessings to others.

Generosity does not mean we have to spoil the people in need and make them dependent on us. It does not mean they will not strive anymore to make their lives better since they will expect it to be done for them by others. It just means helping can come in different forms, not just financially. Blessings may not come only thru finances but it may also be given to a person through their talents, their attitude and their time. Giving advice or counselling, offering a shoulder to lean on and listening is also on the list of ways to help others. With this, we can simply give them a lift and let them know that they are not alone in their journey. All these can also be shared so they can feel God’s presence and blessings in their lives through us.

It is our obligation, as a part of a society, to share our blessings with others, to help make better our community. Practicing this will boost the morale of the less needy; they will feel the care and commitment that people show them. We can do this by helping provide them with livelihood projects which is one way to transform and help our society.

Moreover, I believe helping should not just be a one-time deal or a yearly activity. As part of the community, we play a big role in helping make things better in our society. If we always think that in life we just have to receive and not give, we cannot feel any fulfillment at all, neither we will feel blessed. Helping should not mean expecting something in return from the people we assisted. It must always come from the heart and just hope that the aid we provided will give them the confidence to get through whatever problems they are facing.

I believe that we are obliged to help the community because we are part of the community. As we help the community, we are helping our part of ourselves. Our mindset should always be as what the saying says, “it is better to give, than to receive”. You never know what God has in store for you whenever you give.

Commitment-Action/Committed Action (“Taya-Kilos”)

Reflecting on it, I have decided to commit myself to:
1.       Volunteer and be part charity works.
2.       Give back  a percentage for every closed deal that I will have as a Real Estate Broker.
3.       Open a savings account where I can gather all my donations.
4.       Be morally responsible by being helpful to other people even in a little way.


Plan and provide sales seminars for people where I can help equip them to know more about sales and to boost their morale and confidence so that when the time comes, they can, in turn help those in need.


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